Young Scholars Academic Journal (YSA)
Founded on the principle that the experience of academic research enables students to combine their critical thinking and academic writing skills in a way that enables them to become true advocates for their own ideas.
Conducting research in high school is instrumental in a student’s development; through YSA, students can gain the rigour necessary for challenging themselves while en route to becoming published authors.
The selection process for YSA is intensive; students are not required to apply with perfect papers already written, rather, they should show that they have empirically and creatively rationalized a given idea or issue and have demonstrated potential in crafting a persuasive discourse on the results of their findings.
Once students are accepted into the program, they are then each partnered with a scholar at Peking University who leads a series of revisions to help the students in developing their paper. After several rounds of editing and reviewing, the papers of the highest quality are then published in the Journal.
This year, YSA will see some structural changes as it opens up new avenues for students to participate in academic research. In addition to its main journal publication, it has also established a partnership with China Thinks Big (CTB) to offer students who participated in the conference with an opportunity to synthesize their work in the form of an academic paper. These papers will be thoroughly reviewed and published in a CTB Special Edition of the YSA journal.

“YSA’s mission stands in line with its parent organization’s mission, the Harvard College Association for U.S.-China Relations (HAUSCR):
Empowering high school students by way of a holistic liberal arts experience.”